Thursday, April 10, 2014

Gone Fishing

We had a cold and very long winter this year.  When spring finally sprung, it felt like, well, winter still.  But there are warm weather activities that one is eager to do, and one of those is fishing.  Where we live we are lucky enough to have lakes, and many of them.  We are also lucky enough to have tons of communal activities.  This particular activity is an annual fishing event for children.  Although, I have taken Nick fishing before (read about it here) we had never attended this event, and it is pretty cool because they load the streams and pools with trout to up the chance of the kids catching something, and there are many, many other families to socialize with.  We attended with friends, and although none of the kids caught anything, we still had a nice time.
Nicholas ready to go and eager to catch a fish.


And waiting some more...

The pretty in pink version of waiting...

They really were good sports about it.
There were many discussions about how fishing is a slow sport,
the need to be patient, and really the most important thing about fishing
is being together.
We decided to make it an adventure walking through the woods, avoiding many prickers,
crossing the creek, touching slimy algae.

(This picture is very special to me and the mommy of this young man knows why ;-)
I would say the highlight though was when the sun peeked out,
and we moved on to a dock at the lake and threw many, many pebbles into said lake.

I'd say we managed to have a good time after all.

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