Sunday, February 16, 2014

Rhys is One!

It is hard to believe that my Baby is one already.  It feels like just yesterday that I was complaining (a lot) about being pregnant and uncomfortable, and his first birthday has already come and gone.

Rhys is constantly being compared (in a good way, I think) to his older brother, like siblings inevitably always are, and has proven that he has his own unique personality.  Rhys is just so stinkin' cute.  I know I primarily use the same words to describe him: cherubic, smiley, giggly.  He is just so happy.  While he does smile and laugh easily, he also has a fiery little temper, and will let you know when he is displeased.  Loudly. 

He is extremely social, and loves to be around other people.  The moment he wakes up, he wants out of his crib.  When you pick him up and take him towards the bedroom door, he starts waving, ready to greet someone.  He adores his older brother immensely, and the feeling is mutual.  Rhys loves to do what I refer to as "pre-wrestling" which consists of Rhys smacking Nicholas repeatedly on the head, or standing up in order to tackle Nicholas.  All of this is encouraged by Nick who laughs hysterically while being pummeled by his baby brother. 

Here are some of my absolute favorite photos of Rhys from his first year of life.  Some you might have seen on Facebook or in other blog entries, but most I would say I haven't shared yet.  While looking through I defy you not to think or utter "cute" to yourself over and over ;-)  You'll know why I seem to be stuck on that word when describing him.

My sweet baby in the hospital the day after he was born.

While he was brand new, I took several silly photos of him.
Here is Super Baby.
Construction Fella
Lil' Pea
This is an All Time Favorite.
It became his birth announcement.
This picture makes me tear up.
It is one in a series of Nicholas meeting Rhys for the first time.
He was radiating joy.
Nicholas just adores Rhys.
His first alert/awake photo.

Completely crashed on Auntie's shoulder on Easter.
That BELLY!!!
<3 x a million
(for all you non-text types: <3 is a heart (love) x 1,000,000)
(I'm putting the explanation because my husband had no clue what that was)
Another All Time Favorite.
Yes, that is a real butterfly.
Teach 'em young ;-)
The next several pictures are from a trip my mom and I took to
 Cambridge, MD when Wif took Nick to Scotland.

Just look at those cheeks!
Cool shades
Lounging poolside
Fascinated by his hand
Lunch date
First Ferry Ride

This picture is for my brother.
Baby Vans!

Rhys enjoys food.
First rice cereal.

And yes, this baby is wearing a robe and slippers.
Mischief Maker
This is one in a series of stunning
 Super Brothers Photos
The Little Prince, indeed
Rhys LOVED that Jumparoo



Enjoying a fall day


I think this photo is the One.
I was kind of bummed when I realized I hadn't gotten Rhys'
photo professionally taken (poor subsequent child).
Then I look at this and think, "why?"

My Little Heartbreaker

Pretty Damn Dapper

First bath together

Ploppin' his little buns down in the snow
 Teasers for the next blog entry, his First Birthday Party:
One of the photos I took for his 1st birthday party invitation.
His shirt says "So my story begins..."
Love those rosy cheeks.

On his actual birthday



At his party, cruisin' with Dada

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