Monday, March 17, 2014

A Long Winter

Ok, I am going to start out by confessing that I am completely over the snow.  The last time it snowed, which was at the beginning of March, I, like many others, thought that it was pretty late for snow around here.  I don't know how people in Minnesota or Boston do it.  Seriously, I've been a good sport about it.  Actually, I was excited the first several times it snowed.  My husband didn't have to work.  We'd all be home and could be together.  I took Nicholas out exploring, sledding, playing with neighborhood friends, building volcanoes, doing outdoor activities, snowball fights, name it, we did it.  And you've seen it here on the blog!

Last time it snowed, I took these pictures of the kids and what we were up to:

The wonder.

We hung ice ornaments in our tree.

They were lovely, but apparently I was already yearning for spring by buying flowers.

Glittery Ice Spheres this time around.  Still a hit!

General mischief.

We built a snow family.
They look like bears, although Nick said he was giving them earmuffs!

I made an Ice Mandala that I thought was beautiful.


But the days went by without snow and I found myself happy.  Even though it was still freezing, I was looking forward to spring.  I really want to go on walks with the baby.  I can't wait for him to be able to explore the outdoor world, for him to pick up rocks and mulch and flowers.  And again subconsciously, like the ice wreaths made of flowers, I've become obsessed with planting and gardening.  We started indoors.  I expanded and moved my dining room table up against our windows, and Nicholas and I planted many seeds.  We haven't killed anything yet, I am happy to report (thank you very much, Mom- lol!)

Sunflowers, zinnia, and basil all sprouting.

Our sunflowers were a big success, so we needed to transplant them.
I gave Nick the assignment of painting the pots. 
I requested an outdoor theme: flowers, the sun, etc.
I was specific because Ninja Turtles seem to pop up everywhere.
On Chinese Drums, Scavenger Hunts, Fox coloring pages...

Aaaannnd on the second flower pot.
See above.
The rest of the pot (and all of the other one) was
flowers, trees, the sun, and cloud.
But yes, one Turtle snuck in.

The other day it got up to almost 70 degrees.  After school we watered, transplanted, and planted some more seeds: pansies, impatiens, chives, oregano, and parsley.  It was lovely, LOVELY.

And then this:

And on St. Patrick's Day!  Somehow, just doesn't seem right.

And school was closed again.  I whipped up some crafts for Nick:

And thought I'd make a little mischief!  No, make that, the Leprechauns would get into some trouble!

He t.p.-ed our bathroom!

And pee-ed in our toilet!

I sent Nick in to potty before snack time and he thought it was side-splittingly hilarious (duh!)

Nick LOVED it. 

And he thought that was the end of the Leprechauns' antics. 

After all, they did have to shovel their way through the snow,  squeeze through our mail-slot, and traipse all the way up our stairs undetected...but no. 

Trashing our powder room wasn't enough. 

They got into Nick's bedroom, too.

Note:  Nick's room is pristine.  We make messes and have fun.  Toys explode everywhere, but after we play, we clean, always.

So, it was quite a contrast when...

All of his stuffed animals were taken out of their hammock and spread all over the bed and floor.
His clothes that were folded at the bottom of the bed were strewn about, and
the top shelf of his books shelf was thrown on the floor.


Such joy!  And to think, I had nothing planned to do when I woke up this morning.

We had to go outside for a bit, and returned in for hot cocoa.  Earlier this winter I made this:

Now, that's funny.

And today it was requested that I make this:

Not shocking.

At least he enjoyed it.

We finished up with making some clover cookies:

So, you can see how it winds up being exhausting.  The boys still had energy, and here is Rhys "pre-wrestling" (for those of you who wanted to see what I was talking about).  He stands, raises his hands, then brings them down on his brother's stomach *BAM*, who just laughs and laughs.  Their father and I say "Gentle Rhysie" and Nick says "Not gentle.  I like it."

And after all of this, you didn't possibly think there could be any more breaking news to share.  But there is!!!  Rhys is walking!!!  It is THE most precious weeble-wobble walk you've ever seen.  Enjoy!
(And now, I'm going to bed!)

Here I come for that camera, Ma.

It's a little tricky.

Do you see me, Nick?

I looked at brother AND narrowly avoided that toy.
On my first day of walking!

Oh dear.

No, I'm ok.

I'll just go a little faster.



Thank you, and good night!





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