Wednesday, August 3, 2011

British Baking Part 11: Earth Mama and her Baby Boy

When in Scotland, this is how we roll:
Out-of-doors, cool weather, and misty air.
We explore the gardens, the seaside, the pasture, and the forest.
And in moments that are all too fleeting,
connect with what is the most basic and meaningful:
The Earth.
The Gardens
Come enter my garden

Bumblebees on thistle

Lil' Gardener hard at work
"Quietly" observing the bunny before he bounds off after him
The Seaside
And seaweed

Look what I've found.

Bathing Beauties

The Pasture

Yes, taking the time to stop and smell.

Double Rainbow

The Forest

Stain Glass Cookies

Cute Book

Nicholas, can you say deciduous?Oh wait, you can.

And you know that we will return

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