Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bug Bash

For those of you who know my little man well, it doesn't come as much of a surprise that for Nicholas' third birthday, we threw him a Bug Bash. He is the type of child who gleefully picks up worms, millipedes, ants, and caterpillars without reservation. Nick has held a huge, and I mean a HUGE caterpillar and grasshopper at the Natural History Museum's Insect Zoo in Washington, DC. Again, no fear at all.
Look Ma!
Those two pictures from the Natural History Museum were used on his birthday invitation along with these ones:
Yes, this baby was found right in our backyard!
But my favorite story took place about a year ago, while at our local little zoo with friends. Nick was happily giggling while persuing a little white butterfly across a grassy field. I stood back watching him, smiling, taking in the sweet scene the way a mother would, when the butterfly landed on him. Nick excitedly scooped the butterfly gently into his hands, and shouted "Mommy! Mommy! Look! I have the butterfly!" I turn to my friend incredulous, "Oh my goodness, a butterfly would land on him!" We couldn't believe it.
This picture was actually taken on St. Patrick's Day in Delaware while visiting his great-grandma, not at our local zoo. I wasn't able to capture that in a photo, but butterflies apparently adore Nicholas which makes me teary-eyed for some reason. How beautiful is this picture, come on?!
Without further ado, allow me to take you through his buggy birthday:
Welcome all!
We added a few little buggy touches to the already gorgeous Nature Center.
Lightening Bug Favors filled with yellow and green jellybeans.
Butterfly snack bags filled with various types of dried fruit and goldfish.
Non-peanut butter version of Ants on a Log (with hummus and golden raisins) and Caterpillars made from grapes.
The butterfly snack bags and little yogurt covered pretzel butterflies.
Ah, getting to the real fun stuff: the cupcakes! I made chocolate, and banana cupcakes this year with vanilla and strawberry frosting respectively. I also made all of the white chocolate and chocolate bug adornments: beetles, butterflies, and ladybugs. I am so proud! My mother-in-law bought me THE most spectacular book, that I poured over, and used as inspiration for crafting the butterflies. Thank you, Helen!
The whole set up:
Butterflies, beetles, and ladybugs.
And moving over to the activity tables.
Ladybug bubbles.
Ladybug masks and butterfly wings to decorate.
And bugs all over the place, big and little.
Butterfly horns, and our homemade caterpillar decoration in the background.

Very popular spiders and bug nets for our bug hunt outside.
Our little neighbor holding a ladybug balloon.
Nick's beautiful grandmother with her butterfly pin.
Lil Dude playing with the bouncy spider.
Beautiful butterfly wings.
More flutterby wings.
The birthday Ham.
(Please note: the adorable bug shirt my friend made for his big day :-)
Thank you, J.
Nick's cousin, Maya, and Nick during the bug hunt.
Bug hunting, chatting, and generally hanging out...
and racing around.
Auntie Clare showing off her wings.
I got a spider!
Back inside for presents and cake.
Mr. Man all of a sudden gets very shy as everyone sings to him.
Happy Birthday to my Golden Boy of Three.
I love you all in the world!

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