Wednesday, August 3, 2011

British Baking Part 10 1/2: Raisins, Sultanas, and Currants

Here is an update on my own musing posted in my very first British Baking entry. I was somewhat baffled by the difference between raisins, sultanas, and currants. Actually, in America we have currants, so that really wasn't what was confusing me, but I will include them in this brief explanation anyway because they are a member of the mighty grape family.

As it turns out, with a quick trip to Google, I am not the only person who has had this question. There are many, many articles/posts dedicated to this very subject, and really the only difference, as one of my kind, yet anonymous blog readers pointed out is the color of the grape.

Let me, or actually, let the good folks at Wikipedia explain in their "disambiguation":

"Raisin" is the general term for any dried grape.

In the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada (translate: everywhere in the English speaking world (just about)) the word "raisin" in reserved for dried, large dark grapes, with "sultana" being a dried, large white grape. Furthermore, a "currant" everywhere is a small, dried Black Corinth grape.


Raisin= dark grape

Sultana= white grape

Currant= Black Corinth grape

In the United States, we simply have Raisins (dark), and Golden Raisins (as their name implies, white). Although, look at the bags below. Annoyingly, they both picture green grapes. *Sigh*

And to add further fuel to the fire, we Americans also have these:

That's right Baby, Craisins!
Information on the Mighty Grape Family taken from:


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