Thursday, May 3, 2012

Art Inspired Play

Yesterday, Nicholas and I had our neighbor friends over for a playdate. I have to confess to feeling a little self-imposed pressure when I have them over for our "preschool" playdates because one of the last times they were here, I went all out. And I mean, over-the-top. (Not that I am prone to do that, or anything. Ahem...) Anyway, they were over for Dr. Seuss' birthday party, and Nick loves him some Seuss, so celebrate we did. We had games, activities (sneaky learning alert), and food, all based on Dr. Seuss' books. (See it here).

Problem is though, you gotta keep living up to it. And Megan (adorable little 4 year old pixie) makes me! Last time, Nick and I were over at her house, she opens my purse, peeks into it, and asks me "where are the activities?" Good Lord, how can you not want to rush home and whip something up for her?

So, back to yesterday. It was warm (not hot- yay!), overcast, and the bugs weren't out. Ideal for outdoor play. My deck's kinda big, and I was in the mood for messy fun. So, I broke out the art supplies. And I thought "well, if we're going to make a mess, let's do it right!". Out came the easel, drop cloth, and rolls of paper. Stamps and finger paint. A playdough station equiped with tools galore, a water table, foamy paint (shaving cream and paint mixed together) and window crayons. Everything set up into little stations, to go to and from.

Then, we simply let the kids have at it. Enjoy! I know they did ;-)



The stage is set.


Sister and brother painting duo.
Just warming up.
While Megan uses the stamps...
Nick shows off his mess.
Hey, man! Check this out!
Yeah, Dude. Ha, ha!
(Pretty mild, read on.)
Nick has a stab at painting, adding a few touches to Megan's work.
(Sidenote: I am completely, madly in love with this picture.)
My arm is looking so bare. Lemme remedy that.


Look at all these tools...



And always a hit, "tend" (pretend) cooking with real food.

Foamy paint
Nick demonstrates how it is used.
Nick dives right in (literally). Megan cautiously begins, although doesn't quite know what to make of the following (can't blame her, either).
Megan finally gives in, throwing caution to the wind.
"Heck, I'm putting my FEET in."
Atta girl.
Rinse-y rinse.
Mellower times are had at the water table. Ethan is in heaven. The others decide to join in...perhaps only to continue washing their hands off!


After washing everything (and everyone), we calmed down with a little window crayon action.


Now, I don't want to say I outdid myself, or brag about how successful the "preschool" playdate was, but Megan did. not. want. to. leave. We had to forceably remove her from the premises (I'm not joking). Bless her heart. She was carried kicking and screaming (that is an expression for a reason, turns out) all the way home. So, I guess if that measures success...*ahem*



  1. Yes, Aimee. Where are the activities? I love that so much. Just wait until we have our boys asking, "Where are the crafts?" I think our lives will both be complete at that point.

    1. Dawn- I know it was so cute. I felt so bad about my lack of activities.

      It would be very fulfilling to have our boys love crafting. Let's see what we can come up with...

      It's on!
