Sunday, April 14, 2013

Fairy and Elf Garden

Have you ever heard of a Fairy Garden?

I hadn't either until about a year and a half ago, probably on that damn addictive Pinterest.  What it is is an adorable little garden to "attract"  fairies.  You can use a planter, a big pot, or just create one in the ground, but what makes them super adorable is the itty-bitty furniture and fairy/elf paraphernalia.  You could go crazy making these things.  There are benches, houses, animals, tables, food.  Veerrrryyyy easy to go overboard.  I'm already planning the next one we make right now.

I digress.

They are pretty popular in the States and not surprisingly in the UK, but I had never seen one or heard of them until I had my own wee one and was looking for a  fun, springtime, outdoor activity.
Not this past Christmas, but the Christmas before, I suggested to my step-dad that he get some stuff for Nicholas so that they could make a fairy garden together.  Somehow, we forgot to make it that spring.

Today I was taking the boys over to my parents' house to spend sometime with cousin Maya while daddy worked, and my mom had everything prepared for them to make their own little fairy/elf garden.

It was just gorgeous outside.  Bright sun, and spring (not summer) -like weather.

Even Monk came out to help with the garden. 
No, not really.  He sunbathes and preens.  Pretty doggie.

Our funny Oak oversaw the gardening as well.

Nick and Maya scooped up potting soil and poured it into the pot.
Nick loved the dirt.  I think he was more interested in that than anything else.
Scooping and dumping, scooping and dumping.

After they filled up the pot, they added two small plants.
We started very simple and small this year.

The kids took turns watering.  It was almost as popular as the dirt.

Nonni and Maya carefully arranged the table and chairs.

They added toadstools and little brick paths.

Nonni and Maya perfected everything, and Nick returned to the dirt.

There is Fairy Maya, and Elf Nick perched at their table.

There was even a little Elf Rhys!

Maya enjoyed playing with them like little dolls.
So cute!
We returned to Nonni and Pop-Pop's for dinner that evening and Nick went outside to play.  He checked on the garden and the Elves and Fairy.  This activity was a hit for sure. 

If you have any interest, I would encourage you to Google "Fairy Garden" and check out all of the amazing photos.  You can make them as simple or as ornate as you desire, and it isn't too costly to make a basic one like ours.  We ordered all of our stuff here.  Happy gardening!

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