Friday, April 12, 2013

Easter Bunnies 2013

This year Easter was the day before Nick's birthday, so at home we decided to go low-key. There was one small present waiting for Nicholas outside as we left for Nonni and Poppy's house where the major festivities would be held.. The day before, Nick had a sweet little Easter egg hunt at Buh-Buh and Grand D's house, so he was excited about seeing cousin Maya, and searching for more eggs. The only bummer was that it was rainy, but otherwise the temperature was ok.
What's this?
The Easter Bunny brought me something.
Let's see here
*Gasp* Superheroes!

Now at Nonni's house, we met up with cousin, and opened our eggs and baskets, and had our Easter egg hunt inside.

Cuzzie Love
Fighter Jet
Pretty dress
Whoa! More superheroes!
Man, the Easter Bunny really knows what I like!

Maya held up Rhys' presents for him: jammies!
Indoor egg hunt
Bunny Charles
Playing with Rhys' present,
He can't play with it now anyway ;-)
Yes, everyone wanted to model the bunny ears
And little brother woke up and joined in on the Easter Festivities...
The cutest little Easter Bunny!

... then was all too worn out.

Happy Easter!

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