Friday, July 19, 2013

Compare and Contrast

One of the cool things about having two kids of the same gender is being able to use some of your favorite clothes all over again.  When dressing Rhys in Nicholas' clothes it brought back to mind some of my favorite pictures of Nicholas as a baby, so I decided to try to replicate some of them.
People always try to figure out which parent the kids look like.  My opinion, about my own kids, *so far*, is that Nicholas looks like a mixture of me and my husband, but more like my husband, and that Rhys looks identical to my husband's baby photos.  Some people say Rhys looks just like a little Nicholas.  I think Rhys looks related to Nicholas, but definitely looks like himself.  If that makes any sense.  What do you think?
Hippie Babies
Nicholas 3 1/2 months

Rhys 5 months
 Dream Boat

Nicholas 5 months

Rhys 3 1/2 months old
Nothing Cuter than a Baby in a Speedo
Nick 3 1/2 months old

Rhys 5 months old

Mommy's Admiration

Nicholas 2 months old

Rhys 2 months old
Beach Babe
Nick 3 months

Rhys 5 months

So, what do you think?  Leave me a FB comment or shoot me an e-mail back!

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