Sunday, March 18, 2012

Saint Patrick's Day

This year for St. Patrick's Day we had a playdate with Cal and Clark, and Drew, AND a birthday celebration for Dawn (the twins' mom).

We decorated...

Searched for shamrocks (and snuck in some learning about numbers)...




Munched on green snacks...

Donned cool shades...

Took our leprechaun hat off and decided it was better suited to collect leaves...

and dump on our own head!

Used a turkey baster to suck up water and transfer it to another bowl...

Sported appropriate footwear (the birthday girl herself)...


Then, we went inside for lunch and enjoyed these for dessert.

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!




  1. That was a totally cryptic picture you took of my feet! I had no idea. You'd make a good spy.

    1. Dawn- I'm stealthy like that. I couldn't have been 10 feet from you, probably talking to you too. Haha!
