Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Let It Snow- Part 2- Baby Explores Snow

Now, my little prince has been out in the snow before, so I can't claim this is his first time.  It has snowed several times already this year and on our morning walks he has been out in it and even touched a little bit.  I really wanted to plunk his little buns down in it but didn't own a snowsuit that is waterproof and has covered feet.  I was beginning to think it wasn't going to happen, when my sweet neighbor loaned me one her youngest son had outgrown. I love this snowsuit.  Every single time I saw her son in it, I would just smile at how absurdly cute he was.  This might be a funny thing to say, but this snowsuit just makes me smile. It is plaid, and ridiculously colorful.  You can't not be happy seeing a baby in it.  Take a look for yourself and see ;-)

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