Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Let It Snow- Part 1

Wow! What a fun (and exhausting) few days we've had around here.  We had (and still have) below freezing temperatures, but unlike last time (click the link below if you missed it)  we have the wonderful snow to accompany it.  And a decent amount, too. 

Monday was a holiday, so we already had a three day weekend. After the kids were in bed, I got tons, and I do mean tons of activities prepared for the following snow day that I was sure we were going to have based on the forecast (snow equaling no school).

It turns out today, Wednesday, was a snow day, too, but much, much colder and windier than yesterday.  I didn't even take the boys out until the afternoon hoping it would be "warmer".  But yes, I wanted Rhys to be able to experience the fluffy snow, too, albeit for a very brief amount of time.

We did enjoy everything the outdoors and the snow had to offer, along with some pretty cool activities.

Let It Snow- Part 1

The snow begun to fall in the morning, and essentially fell non-stop all day.  I didn't break out any activities until later in the day knowing that the snow would be captivating in and of itself.  We started off slowly enjoying the beauty of the outdoors.

This is pretty, Momma.

Are there any birds staying warm inside?

What animal made these?

Such curiosity.  And more.  Can I go down the snowy slide?

Much, much faster than
I expected on the toddler slide.
Let's go again!

Crossing this fallen tree trunk will be an adventure, it's slippery!

Made it!

After about an hour and a half we come back inside for lunch and quiet time, with a promise to return in the afternoon.
We do, and before we venture off too far, we do our activities: a low, wide, slowly foaming Snow Volcano, Ice Orbs II, and Snow Painting.
Snow Volcano
(Photos are rather grey here, but pretty true to life.)
We buried a glass bottle that contained dish soap, baking powder, and red food coloring)

Nicholas added the vinegar, and it slowly started oozing out.
(This type of volcano doesn't produce a big explosion but rather a slow, puffy, snake-like eruption.

And it kept going and going.

Nick thought it was good fun.
We don't generally think of snow and volcanoes going together,
so it got his attention.

Snow Painting and Colored Ice Orbs

Nicholas loved the Ice Orbs that I made for him the last time that it was freezing (see link below) so much so that I prepared a colored version for him.  At first they were placed again on his nature table but they were quickly added to the snow painting to make a sort of sculpture.  It turned out marvelously!

Our paint is nothing more than water and food coloring.
He started out with little drips, the splatters, and flicking it.

Ice Orbs were incorporated and drizzled upon.

Then the pouring began which was beautiful because it became so much more vibrant

Finished Masterpiece


What a day!

Click on the following: for the rest of the series Part Two and Part 3,  and our Ice Sphere activity


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