Friday, October 4, 2013

Chip Off the Ol' Block

A little bit ago, I did a compare and contrast entry on my two sons that was really fun.  I dressed them in the same clothes at about the same age to see how alike (or different) they looked.  What was entertaining was getting everyone's opinions on if they look(ed) like each other, and/or which parent they resemble.  If you missed it click here, it's worth it.

I got very spirited response from all of you which was cool.  Some insist the boys look alike, some that they look very different.  Some think Nick looks like me, others swear he's Wif's Mini-Me.  Some think Rhys is a mix.  I still maintain both boys look like Wif.  Rhys almost identically so, and here's the proof:

So, now what do you think?

Let's hear it!
(e-mail or Facebook's fine)

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