Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dough Experiment 1 Cloud Dough

Cloud Dough
Today, we kicked off our dough experiment with Cloud Dough.  I found the recipe here.  I  have to say it is lovely to play with.  It consists of only flour and baby oil.  It is soft and silky with that trademark baby (talcum powder) smell.  The wonderful thing about Cloud Dough is that it holds its shape much like wet sand. It is great for packing into little cups, bowls, measuring tools, and sand toys.  Your little one can make prints in it with his hands, stamps, or cookie cutters.

Nicholas played with it for 30 minutes (a toddler eternity) and only stopped because I told him we were ending the activity. I learned from the non-cooking cooking that it is best to end before boredom/over-stimulation begins and then the inevitable mess ensues. 

He loved the Cloud Dough and I did too. Preparation was easy (only two ingredients required) and no cooking or even dyeing involved, and furthermore clean up is a breeze. It wipes off anything (floor, table, child) with the swipe of a wet towel. It will get dust on clothes though, so after we finished I took off his jammies before letting him loose into the living room.

Make some yourself. 

Recipe:  in a large container mix 4 cups flour and half cup baby oil (double the recipe if more than one child is playing). 

The end. It's that easy.

To store, I simply put the lid on the plastic container he was playing with it in (a plastic Tupperware/Rubbermade sort of to-go container).

Moldable clumps that really hold their shape

Feeling the silky texture
and measuring it out.
Such fun!

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