Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

This year we had a wonderful, small gathering at my parents' house that included us, my sister's family, and my uncle.  It was pretty mellow and fun.
In a side note, it has been really awesome to see Nicholas interact with his cousin Maya now that they are both a little older (both are 4).  And this Thanksgiving was no different.  They really treat each other like siblings.  They love each other tremendously, play well together, rough-house, have tattling contests, etc.  It does my heart good to see them have such a tight bond with each other, like my siblings and I have.
My sister and I also decided to get the kids all dressed up and try to take photos of them for a holiday card.  All in all, I think it was successful considering Nick a) hates dressing up and b) doesn't like to pose for photos.  We had to be creative in getting them, or I should say him, to smile.  Maya would pose and smile all day long if need be.
Welcome all!  Happy Thanksgiving!


A sample of the photos (I don't want to ruin the card by posting
the photos that made the cut, but here's an idea of what they looked like).
And this is how we got Nick to smile:  a race!  He loved that.
And sweet Maya would have posed and posed all day long.

We returned back inside to the warmer weather, chatted, colored, did crafts, got silly...

Good company for all.

Nicholas concentrating on a maze and Maya coloring Grover.

Nicholas made everyone placemats with their names and colored in turkeys.

Rhysie adores Auntie

This was the extent of my fancy baking this year: 
Pumpkin Pie with shapes I punched into the dough.


And what Thanksgiving would be complete without
Indoor Colander Helmet Scooter Riding?

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