Friday, June 22, 2012

Oh my a butterfly! Part 2

As you know from the last post (see here if you missed it) all five of our caterpillars became butterflies (I was so thankful not to have killed any of them, seriously). And yes, this post is about butterflies. But as I scurried around preparing for our Release Party, I walked by and glanced out our dining room window and saw this gorgeous nesting momma bird in our wildly unkempt hydrangeas. Too cute, had to share.
Ahem, I digress.
One of the beautiful Painted Ladies ready to go.
Reading materials, IPad queued up.
Megan, Nick, and Ethan watching a metamorphosis video.
Ever the teacher...
Our craft supplies
Andrew distracted momentarily from his soon-to-be butterfly
Megan contentedly working away.
Nick's ready to move on to the next step.
Enter the fun part, the spray bottles!
I didn't manage to get photos of the next steps, but here are the finished products: cute, huh?
Look at this enthusiasm! Love it!
Aannd...the boys get sidetracked.
Let's spray the plant!
Such an adorable picture!
Aannndddd, let's spray each other!

The kids were having so much fun, and they hadn't even seen the butterflies yet. We round them up and clamor downstairs and out front.
Stay tuned...the best is yet to come!

Click here for Part 3.


Did you miss Part 1? Click here.


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