Monday, March 12, 2012

Belly Laughs

A while back, I offered to bake for my cousin's baby shower. Yes, please, I was told. As you guys know, I mostly do cupcakes and cake pops, but I was given a new challenge this time. Could you make a belly cake? As in a pregnant belly cake.

Now, because I love baking and follow lots of baking blogs, I actually had heard of a belly cake. I googled how to make one, to see how hard, and time consuming it would be before I accepted the challenge, and it didn't look too bad, so I accepted happily, eager to try something new.

First, was the scale. It was a regular sized cake, not the miniature scale I'm accustomed to with cupcakes and cake pops. Second, is that it is done with fondant. For those of you unfamiliar with fondant, think of it is sugar clay. It can be rolled out to create a smooth surface over the cake, and can be shaped, sculpted, and designed like clay. It looks gorgeous when done right, and it looks very professional too, but truth be told it doesn't taste that good. People often pick the fondant off the cake before eating it which is somewhat heartbreaking after the amount of time devoted to making it look so beautiful. That is the reason I don't usually work with it.

I did a trial cake, and practiced using the fondant, and it looked pretty good. I was encouraged by the minor success, and ready to do the real thing. I used my favorite chocolate cake recipe, and prepared a perfect buttercream frosting. The cupcakes, I whipped up in no time, piped gorgeously without effort and used modeling chocolate to sculpt two Love Birds on a nest with a little pink egg (brown and pink birds were the theme of the shower and nursery). I even had a delicious chocolate fondant. It tasted like Tootsie Rolls! But the last step, after rolling out the huge piece of fondant needed to cover said cake, was to actually pick it up and cover the cake without tearing it.

I stared at it.

Gingerly picked at the corners.

It was so big, and heavy.


I started sweating.

I picked at another corner.

I gave myself little pep-talks: You can do it girl! You can do it!!!

I believe in YOU!!!

No. I really did not want to rip that damn fondant.

I finally called my Cupcake Soulmate, Lauren (who is also my neighbor). Please be home, pllleeeeeaaassse be home, I prayed. Ok, phew, she was. We strategized, and can proudly say we defeated the fondant before it defeated us.

Below is a little collage of the beautiful little crafts, cupcakes, cake, mobile, and other lovely decorations from Marc and Chelsea's baby shower.

It was a lovely afternoon, and we are all eagerly awaiting Gracie's arrival.




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